Earlier this year KDHE contracted with GSI Engineering to conduct a comprehensive investigation of the contamination attributed to the former Frank’s Wash and Dry Cleaners in Seneca. We prepared a plan of action, deciding to use direct push technology to collect groundwater samples and hydrogeologic information.
Seeing this as a perfect opportunity to get local university students involved, KDHE and GSI Engineering hosted a geology class from Kansas State University, led by Dr. Saugata Datta, on April 10, 2017. KDHE and GSI staff members Kelsee Wheeler and Rick Bean were able to demonstrate the technology being used, discussed various aspects of the project with the students, and explained the methods being used to collect data.
Professor Saugata Datta’s students were provided the opportunity to observe an actual field use of the GeoProbe™ Hydraulic Profiling Tool (HPT) operated by GSI employees Ian Smith and Mason Schell. This demonstration allowed the students to get a better understanding of real-time logging using the HPT and electrical conductivity tools and then see how field professionals interpret the data to direct investigation activities. They also got to observe the collection of groundwater samples using direct push equipment.
Field Technology Demonstrations
GSI Plans Future Work with KSU Students
One of GSI’s on-going missions is community involvement, and we loved getting to work with the students to demonstrate equipment that they will be using in their future careers. It is our plan to partner with KDHE again early next year and collaborate with Kansas State University students to further provide an amazing mentorship and field-training opportunities.