The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) requested GSI Engineering to conduct continued oversight and management of a project we’ve grown very familiar with, the Former American Cleaners site in Haysville, KS (Site), now occupied by Haysville Laundry. GSI was initially tasked to design and implement a pilot test at the current property to determine suitability for traditional remediation technologies including soil vapor extraction and in-situ air sparging. However, based on the pilot testing, it was determined that these remedial technologies would not be effective in cleaning up the remaining soil and groundwater contamination. The property’s previous owner stepped in and proposed an alternative solution.
The property’s owner was willing to part ways with the eastern section of the property to allow for demolition of the existing building and excavation of contamination in the soil underneath the building. Due in large part to the creative problem solving of KDHE, the Haysville Laundry property was acquired by the City of Haysville (City) in a joint purchase agreement as part of a larger remediation goal for the property. GSI coordinated the building appraisals and property surveys required for the transaction, gathering consensus on the property’s value to allow KDHE to provide appropriate funding for the City to purchase the property. The City agreed to provide long-term access to the property in order for KDHE to effectively remediate the soil and groundwater contamination originating from the Site.
KDHE requested the building be demolished and the pad and footings removed to provide unlimited access to the contaminated soils beneath the footprint of the building. Prior to demolition, GSI conducted an asbestos inspection of the building. Ascertaining there was no asbestos abatement required prior to the scheduled work, GSI set out to find a contractor for the demolition of the building and its foundation.
GSI partnered with Fremar Corporation for the demolition phase. The building was demolished in less than one day. There were numerous onlookers that stopped to watch the building come down throughout the day.
The Site is now pending further remedial action under the guidance of KDHE, with excavation and disposal of contaminated soils expected as the next phase of work at this high-profile site.